Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Can You Keep Carbonara Sauce In The Refridgerator

Beauty Flashback

She Found Me

Eagle Scooter Wheels Shop

And then after you have been the victim of what he might have been unconscionable that perhaps I had overstated ... I saw them.

I saw them, felt them, heard them.

had not said a word, the only sound heard was that of their voices.
The sense of contrast was so great that it got to the point of the opposition, in all respects: they were going in the opposite direction to ours, on the sidewalk opposite the attitude opposite.

Yes, definitely we were like white and black .

They ignored our existence. Were immersed in a conversation that seemed fun and dynamic, both looked very happy.
As we walked I tried to follow with his eyes, but at one point I lost. Found ourselves too far, too far, while they were as black dots in the distance. I had not realized we had walked so much, we had gone too far, anyway ... whither we were going?
I looked ahead, the road seemed to have no end reamente "I want to continue?
But not depend solely my decision, so we kept walking, Did we go to a new world? Already

I lost sight of.
After a blink, I stopped to really look around me everything was gray, dreary and discouraging. I felt that I got into a cliché, an eternal recurrence.

I do not want to be here.
But it was too late, there was no turning back.

I wish I had been talking to them, or perhaps we have seen ... but could not.


We can see the past, but they can not see the future.